Last Month’s Adventures


Hello all, I haven’t updated my website since school started so I finally got some free time and decided it was high time to update my blog. To start off for all who don’t know, I go to Laura Secord Secondary School in St. Chatharines, ON. It’s an amazing school with a special arts program that I’m in for Musical Theatre. Since I’ve been her,e I’ve gotten quite involved in all that happens at my new school. I joined Concert Choir, Jazz Choir, GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) and was part of my school’s drama night. Our choir preformed with Robert Pilon, who played the Phantom of the Opera. We performed in Toronto at the St. Lawrence Center for the Arts to benefit Sheena’s Place, which is a organization in Toronto helping people with eating disorders. It was an inspiring concert with great performers. Our choir practices start at 7:10 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays, plus we have two and a half hours after school practices leading up to performances. After our choir performance, our school had a drama trip to Toronto for an Improv training and we went to see the musical Matilda.

Me in front of ED Mirfish Theatre

Me in front of ED Mirfish Theatre


Me getting ready to see the show.


Matilda was the most amazing show I’d ever seen! I enjoyed it so much! The ensemble was amazing; great dancing and acting from all of the actors.

The day after Matilda was our school’s Drama Night. It was the first drama performance I have done at my new school and I was very excited. The show went off without a hitch! It was an amazing time I’ll never forget.

The Drama Night Poster

For awhile, things were calm at school so I started a side project with my best friend, Jessica.  We are writing a Steven Universe fan fiction, using the same world but different characters. Jessica is a very talented writer, who writes tons of fan fictions. Recently, we were watching Steven Universe we decided we should co-write a fan fiction and a week later we made the characters and developed the plot and now we’re writing non-stop. The tittle of the fan fiction is, “Crystal Chaos,” and is published on and just click on the links and search Crystal Chaos and read our fan fiction!! You can also follow Jessica’s fan fiction account Twitter @burning_behind for updates on all her works including our Steven Universe fan fiction. Please follow.

The other day we had a Comedia dell’arte which was very interesting. It is a Italian form of comedic acting where you wear masks that cover half of your face and assume the characters those masks represent. It also has an improve side which involves making jokes about politics and sex. The work shop was eye opening and introduced me to a different side of acting. After the workshop, we saw a show put on by the acting company who gave us the workshop. It was a play called, “Fools Gold” which tells the story of a father signing a contract with “Count Viagra” that requires his daughter to marry the Count for a thousand gold pieces. The story unfolds that his daughter, Isabelle, is in love with another and is very reluctant in marrying Viagra. In the end it all works out, Isabelle marries her true love and her father still keeps his gold. The show involved audience participation. We help certain characters make decisions in the story and at one point one of the main characters leaped into the audience, crawled over our seats and sat upon a girl in the third row. That’s what we say at Secord, “it’s just another day”. Over all, I loved the show and would watch it again anytime. Coming up? Laura Secord’s having a Christmas concert on Tuesday, December 13th.  If you want to see an amazing show full of young talent, please come out and show your support. So that’s all that’s new with me. I promise more blog updates will be made in the future, more frequently. Thanks to all my supporters and please check in regularly for new content.