Upcoming Event: Cabaret Night


I am performing in a Cabaret show put on by Something-Something Productions and Cork’s Eatery.  There are only 2 shows and they are coming up fast.  Be sure to get your tickets.  I put the event page link below.  Hope to see you all there.



Video: When I Get My Name In Lights


Here is a video of me performing at the Gala Showcase of the Niagara Musical Theatre and Voice Competition in May.  Thanks to my amazing singing teacher, Lisa Brillon, I got my first sweep of all the categories I competed in.  Hope you enjoy the song and dance.

Review: Niagara Star Singers Jingle Bell Christmas Concert


After 4 months of practicing Christmas songs and a grueling weekend consisting of 12 hours of staging over 2 days, the Niagara Star Singers had our Jingle Bell Christmas concert last night in St. Catharines, ON.  There was an audience of almost 200 people out for a fun family night and to help our group do some fund raising for a trip to New York City in May.  We performed more than 20 songs during the 2 hour performance.  The audience was great, the venue fine and we felt amazing after the concert.  Our choir director, Lisa Brillon, once again planned and executed a very entertaining, challenging and professional event.

Here are some photos.

Update: Burlington Rotary Music Festival


My sister and I just finished up our musical theatre competition pieces at the Burlington Rotary Music Festival.  For me it was a very intense day of learning and competition.  In two of my classes, there was the same two other girls and I.  Both girls brought some great songs and really strong performances.  I placed third in Canadian Composer and first in Contemporary Solo.  Then in my concert class, there were 7 performers – two of whom had won provincially in June.  Again, the competition was something fierce.  I was really proud to place third in this class.  I’ve found a number of small things to work on that will help me take some of these songs to the other competitions in the spring.

Overall, I have a great day.  I was singing with people I liked and respected… and of course, it’s always great to perform for an audience.

My sister sang her three classes between yesterday and today.  She took two firsts and a second; again in very tight competition.  Now, I’ve got to hear how she did better than me for the next few weeks!  I’ll have a few choice things to say about that, let me tell you.

Anyhow, I’ve got two weeks of comparative relaxation while I prepare to head to the NATS singing competition in Waterloo.  It’ll be nice to sleep past 6am for a start.

The End of Hairspray… what’s a boy to do?


Our run of Hairspray ended last night and there were cheers and tears throughout the house.  I had an amazing time and the cast and crew were so much fun to work with.  I hope to audition for their next shows.  They’re doing Alice in Wonderland and then Into the Woods in 2016.

But since I don’t actually like to rest, I’m off to the Burlington Rotary Music Festival to compete tomorrow.  I’m doing 3 classes with 4 songs total.  This year I’ll be singing What If from Addams Family, The Ballad of Farquaad from Shrek, The Teacup from The Giant’s Garden and I Can’t Wait to See my Name in Lights from a show whose name I forget.  I compete on Monday so watch for updates on my Twitter feed.

Monday night I have an audition in Toronto and then I get a short rest while I prepare for the National Association of Teachers of Singing competition in Waterloo.  That’s on November 24th and I’ll be singing The Tiger for my art song and What If from Addams Family.

Once all that is done, hopefully some of these auditions will bear fruit and I’ll be making some commercials.  I had a very auspicious tarot reading last night and it said there was success headed my way.  Let’s cross our fingers.


Update: Hairspray


I’ve been preparing hard at Theatre-in-the-Mist on our production of Hairspray.  My role as Sketch involves me being in all Council numbers and also in most of the ensemble numbers.  We’ve been singing and dancing our hearts out 2 to 3 times a week.  I’m meeting tons of new people and loving every minute of it.

It’s so nice to be working so close to home.  Our practice hall is about 10 minutes away from home so the 3 hour practice doesn’t end in a long car ride home.  I’ve also really enjoyed working with a new singing director.  This is the first time that I’ve worked as a tenor and it’s a new world when you aren’t always singing the melody line.

The show is going to be great.  Be sure to hold a date if you are in the Buffalo area in the last 2 weeks of October.

Update: Provincial Music Competition

Honourable mention = Top 7 finish out of 35 entries.

Honourable mention = Top 7 finish out of 35 entries.

On June 5, 2015, I competed in my first singing competition at the Provincial level in Peterborough, Ontario.  I was recommended out of the Burlington Music Festival and was also recommended from the Niagara Music Festival.  It was a really awesome and humbling experience.

There were 35 competitors in my age group.  We were broken into 2 groups from which 2 singers would move on to a “sing off” for first, second, etc.  We each had to perform a concert class of 2 contrasting selections from musical theatre.  One of those songs was pre-selected by the adjudicator that recommended you from the regional level.  I presented Wonderin’ from Anne of Green Gables and Razzle Dazzle from Chicago.  In regional competition, a group of singers will all sing their selections for an adjudicator and then will receive a critique and a score once everyone has sung.  This works fine when you are singing in a range of categories like ballads, up-tempo, Canadian composer etc.  At Provincials there are no categories.  It is one massive concert class.  So we were each assigned a time slot to perform and then the critique came late in the afternoon for the group in the form of a Master Class.  This made it kinda funny to perform my songs in front of the adjudicator and a very small number of people.  After I performed, we left for a couple of hours and then went to the Master Class.  It was efficient but you weren’t able to hear everyone perform.  Mind you, the pews in the church were pretty hard and my butt wasn’t up to sitting there for 6 hours.

The critiques at the Master Class ranged from very technical to very honest.  I was really impressed by the adjudicator’s honesty even though we’re kids.  I always want to be taken seriously as a performer and can’t stand when things are sugar coated so it was great to hear things about appropriateness of songs etc.  He worked with me for quite a long time with was exciting and nerve wracking at the same time.  Some of this things were things I knew I needed to keep working on like my slightly nasal vowels and a bit of softness in my palate.  My teacher and I’ve been working away on those technical things.  He also worked with my on my acting choices which was really informative.  Why did I choose to start my song sitting on a chair?  Why did I get up?  He wanted me to put some casualness in my performance so it looked more natural and less staged.  All in all it was great to work with him.

So how did it all turn out?  I was a bit disappointed that I didn’t move forward to the sing off but in the end, I received an honourable mention.  Since there were only 3 honourable mentions out of the 35 singers, I’m really pleased with this result.  I learned a lot of things just attending the competition.  I heard some new songs, met some new people and when I go back again, I’ll be better prepared.  I need to shout out to my music teacher, Lisa Brillon.  I couldn’t have gotten this far without your support and teaching.  I’m so thankful that you came up to Peterborough and made sure that all of your students were well supported.  Together, we’ll work for an encore performance next year.

Busy Times, Friends… Busy Times


I imagine you’ve been wondering what happened that I’ve been gone for a month… and if you haven’t, then shame on you.  It’s been a very busy month for me.  You should care.

I did some voice over work up in Toronto for a Ryerson University project which was really neat.  I’ve never done voice over work and I really enjoyed this little contribution to a project.  I guess that there are some ACTRA rules about getting a credit but I did the work just for the experience.  I’d certainly do it again.

I’ve also be preparing for my next singing competition.  I’m doing 5 classes, including a concert class.  This has been keeping me in the basement a lot since that’s where we have our rehearsal space.  But lots of work on staging and adding some dance to my performances.  I’m using this competition to practice for the Provincials which are coming up in June.  I’m so excited and so nervous to be competing at that level.  I’ll be singing Wonderin’ from Anne of Green Gables and Razzle Dazzle from Chicago for Provincials.  As I get closer to the competition, I’ll record some video and post it up.

I’ve missed a lot of jazz classes and I’m trying to get caught up.  Boy, those warm ups leave you sore when you’ve been away even just a few classes.

Well, that’s a quick note to get you all caught up.  What have you been doing to fill the void I’ve left?  Leave me a note.